And A Little Child Shall Lead Them

I love that verse from Isaiah 11:6. And as a grandmother I am learning how much truth that verse holds. We can learn so much from our children and grandchildren. A child is full of magic, wonder, imagination and pure joy. In most cases, they are “content in all things” – “I have learned in whatever state I am to be content.” Philippians 4:11 That’s one verse I am still struggling with.

But not Abby and Currin – for the most part, they truly are just content. They are rarely unhappy unless they are hungry, tired or sick. It doesn’t take much to amuse them, and that’s a good thing since their Nana is not all that creative.

Did you know:

You can make a 3 year old and 14 month old laugh hysterically by nibbling on their fingers?

We may walk right past a butterfly, beetle, ant or bird or fail to notice a rainbow – but never a child?

We need to try to run the sweeper often because things that miss our eyes are readily noticed by a toddler like Currin and it is a very short distance from the floor to their mouth?

Food that Currin won’t touch from his plate is suddenly delicious if it comes from Nana’s?

The objects we think are large can suddenly be reduced to choking size when a toddler shoves them in their mouth? How do they do that?

You can put a restless baby to sleep by softly kissing their forehead, cheek or hands?

A baby can get into something dangerous more quickly than you can rise from the chair? Blink and you are in trouble.

There is no song or music piece more beautiful than a baby’s laughter?

No matter how bad your day is going or how sad you may feel, a baby can brighten your day with one small smile, kiss or hug?

A piece of construction paper, a pair of scissors and a Nana that is not at all artistic or crafty can turn the paper into a beautiful, glorious princess crown? Just ask Abby. That’s what we did this morning. New pictures uploaded to gallery.

A baby will make a very funny face if they put a bar of soap in their mouth while taking a bath?

A toddler learning to walk can learn to climb quickly – and they climb on EVERYTHING!

There is nothing more healing to a child who has cut themself, pinched a finger or fallen than a kiss? If that doesn’t work, a band aid will usually seal the deal.

When your 3 year old suggests a bubble bath because their baby brother is “stinky”, it might be because it is really the 3 year old that wants a bubble bath? By the way mommy, Currin and Abby had a bath today.

The technology and progress of our future, the preservation of all the values we hold dear, are founded in a child’s imagination? Nurture it well.

Even a 14 month old understands the meaning of no? If you’re not sure, ask Currin. He even has the “no” head nod going on.

As you watch your child/grandchild take their first steps it is both thrilling and disheartening. I realized today each first step they take takes them further and further from childhood. Be their guardian, surround them with love and patience and teach them you will always be behind them no matter where their next steps lead them.

You don’t have to be the perfect father, mother or Nana – all you have to do is love your babies and they will love you back. They are also most forgiving.

The past eight months have been a difficult journey for me, but I know this. God gave me my children to love and support me along the way. But He gave me my grandchildren to lead me to brighter days filled with love, laughter and joy. Consider me blessed!

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