After yesterday I realize how very busy I’ve been keeping our guardian angel. He or she, whatever the case may be must certainly be on their toes to keep Nana and her two toddlers safe.
I took the babies to Target to return some items, and after trying to keep them entertained while waiting at the customer service counter and getting them back to the car, I was so disorientated I left my purse in cart. When I realized it we had to go back and thankfully some Good Samaritan turned it in.
Next stop was Kohls to return something. Currin was suddenly wired and after chasing him all over the store numerous times, I found a cart and strapped him in. Then I bought Currin and Abby a stuffed Clifford dog to try to entertain them. As we were leaving I got stuck with Currin in automatic door. Abby slipped out of my hand and ran straight out into the road in front of a car. Thank you Guardian Angel – that almost gave me a heart attack.
After Steph got home I went to Pottery Barn to look at some pictures for the wall. After the day I had I probably should have just gone home. Bought two paintings and when I left Pottery Barn I forgot to shut the tailgate. Lost my new picture somewhere between there and the apartment. Thank goodness the one I lost only cost $9.99.
Today I woke to a fall like morning with temperatures in the mid 60′s and an entirely new perspective. I realized how lucky I am and how much fun it is to babysit Abby and Currin. Each morning starts with kisses and hugs – well most mornings, sometimes they have to ignore me for a while. It only makes the kisses and hugs sweeter.
I took them outside this morning and had such fun playing hide and seek with them between the rows of bushes. Currin laughed so hard and Abby was giggling so hard she had tears running down her face. There is no sweeter sound on earth than the sound of a baby’s laughter.
We sat on the front porch and talked for a while. Yes, you can have a conversation with toddlers. You never know what you might learn. Abby told me we were having a perfect day. It doesn’t get better than that.
We colored puzzles Steph made and I am now watching Abby put hers back together. It has taken her all of 3 minutes – smart girl. Currin on the other hand has decided it is more fun to color his body than the puzzle. He looks so cute and funny. Thankfully the markers are washable.
Currin has been dancing to music and claps at everything he sees on TV. To Currin, everything is a reason to celebrate.
Our next project is to work on words. Abby has agreed to help me teach Currin new words this morning. She makes it so easy because he loves to mimic everything she does. There is both good and bad in that.
I have decided to give my Guardian Angel a little break. I think I will limit my trips alone with the two of them. It just isn’t worth the risk. And there is no question they are both smarter and faster than Nana.
The day is still young. Wonder what fun thing they will do next?