I like to make up songs to sing to Abby and Currin. Today I told Abby water was also known as H2O. She wasn’t sure about it, so I explained what H2O is. Then I made up a song to help her understand:
H2O is water, I’ll be you didn’t know. H2O is water and water helps us grow.
H2O is water, we need it every day. Water makes us big and strong so we can run and play.
In my silly songs, I find redemption. “Gooooooood song, Nana”, Abby says.
Things I learned today:
It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, as long as you’re doing it together. Kids are easy to please. I call it quality time. Abby calls it teamwork.
You CAN paint without a paintbrush and it’s even more fun when you use your finger. Dipping ALL your fingers in the paint and making handprints on a sheet of paper is the most fun of all. Sure hope this paint is water soluble 🙂
Currin doesn’t care if I can carry a tune or sing at all. He just wants me to sing – and then, HE dances. And when it’s time for a nap, my singing (as bad as it is and as silly as the lyrics are) puts a smile on his face and lulls him to sleep. My songs make Abby laugh and she’s starting to sing them too. Who cares if the world thinks I can’t sing – my babies think I can!
The distance between a baby’s mouth and the floor is really not as far as you think if baby doesn’t like the food you give him.
At lunch, Currin actually ATE more food than he threw on the floor. Amazing 🙂
The food Currin finds so distasteful on his plate, suddenly becomes a gourmet meal when he eats it off the floor. Disgusting:)
When a little girl passes gas and says “my butt is laughing” it’s funny. Not true for an adult.
I’m glad I cleaned the house yesterday – today is just for play. So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep. I’m rocking my babies and babies don’t keep.
Currin continues to crawl back to the trash can. Lift, smash, cry; lift, smash, cry; lift, smash, cry. What part of all this doesn’t he get? And then he looks at me as if I’m the one who doesn’t get it.
If you make cars fall off the garage, a baby laughs hysterically. Try this in real life and it will make your insurance adjuster cry.
Men learn to touch and shake their private parts at a very early age and not just when they pee. (sorry Steph but it’s true)
Abby has been talking a lot about “family” lately. Yesterday she asked if I loved her “family”. Today she said “Nana, family is important!” Smart girl!
As many mistakes as I may make, with all my faults and in all the areas I find myself inadequate, I’ve learned, in my grandbabies eyes, there is redemption.