Saturday night was an ordinary night that turned into an extraordinary night by one simple act. Ryan and Cameron were visiting with his new girlfriend, Danielle and her daughter Lilly. Cam had been told he’d see Abby on Sunday and was so excited to see her he could hardly stand it. When Abby and I had talked about it on Friday I knew she shared his excitement.
I called Stephanie around 8:30 pm and still have no clue why I called her so late. I asked if Abby was sleeping and Steph said she was lying down but not asleep. I said “get her up; Nana is coming to pick her up to spend the night”. And I did. Ryan and I jumped into the car, drove to Steph and Ladd’s and bundled Abby up to come to Nana’s. I will never forget the smile on her face or lose count of how many times she told me she loved me on the ride home.
Abby and Lilly hit it off immediately and the three of them played late into the night. We popped popcorn, they built castles and Lilly finally dozed off around 11:00 pm. Abby started to snuggle next to me around 11:15 but Cam got his second wind and Abby too was off and running. We watched Strawberry Shortcake until 12:30 am and Nana finally said “it’s time for bed”. Lilly was sleeping in the spare bedroom with Ryan and Danielle. I carted Cameron and Abby off to Nana’s bed.
Both of them were tired beyond words but Cam suddenly decided he didn’t want to sleep in Nana’s bed. As I tried to hug him and assure him it would be okay, I realized my words were offering little comfort. At that point, Abby scooted over, wrapper her arms around him and said “it’s okay Cameron. Nana’s bed is soft, cuddly and fluffy and we get to sleep with her tonight. And she loves us Cameron”. With that, Cam smiled, stretched out and both were asleep in moments. I woke up around 3 am and discovered they were lying face to face with their arms around each other. How sweet is that? Steph brought Currin by on Sunday morning and all four of the kids had so much fun. They ran, chased each other, brought the downstairs neighbors up to tell me their running was shaking their light fixtures (okay, the first time probably – their second visit was uncalled for), played games (quieter ones after our neighbor’s visit) and made their Nana smile.
Sometimes being a grandmother has its advantages. We’re allowed to be spontaneous and crazy and break the rules once in a while. This weekend was one of those moments you wish you could freeze in time. I hope they remember it one day. I know I always will.
But mommy said………
Abby’s newest thing is to say “but mommy said”; usually when I’ve asked her to do something she doesn’t want to do. Example: yesterday she wanted to take a nap with her pearl necklace on and I told her she could wear it after her nap. Abby said “but Nana, mommy said I could wear my necklace to sleep”. Doubtful Abby. doubtful.
Today was the cutest. I made them grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch but Abby shook her head and said she wanted a peanut butter sandwich. I said “Abby, Nana made these awesome sandwiches for you”, to which Abby replied “Mommy said you eat the grilled cheese sandwich Nana and please make Abby a peanut butter sandwich instead”. She is just too smart.
It is so much fun to watch Abby and Currin play now that Currin has become more mobile. He loves playing chase and hide and seek. Yesterday Abby was hiding under a pillow off the sofa. Currin crawled over, got under the pillow and smothered Abby’s face with kisses. Right before he grabbed her hair with both hands and while laughing hysterically, pulled as hard as he could. Once I got her hair out of his grip and Abby calmed down, they tumbled, laughed and played. It was really too much fun to watch so Nana tumbled with them.
Currin’s newest word is “stop”, probably because he hears it from me so much. This morning he held out his hand like a crossing guard and yelled stop to Abby. A few minutes later Nana was putting out her hand and yelling stop as he rummaged through the dishwasher, pulling out everything he could get his hands on. Looks like Nana might have to just “stop” being so nice.
Remember the song by Lee Ann Womack – I Hope You Dance? Being with Currin and Abby gives it an entirely new meaning. They both love to dance and they love to dance with Nana and mommy. In fact, we make dancing a large part of our day. Lee Ann was on to something. I hope you dance.
Most of the things I post on this blog are written because they are so darn cute. I hope it doesn’t make Abby and Currin look as if they’re spoiled rotten. The truth is they are both two of the brightest, smartest, sweetest and most loving babies ever born and they are so very well behaved and respectful. They fill our lives with joy, laughter and love. They are our greatest blessings.