Life is funny that way

We never know when our lives will take a drastic turn. As much as we plan and dream, things happen that changes everything. Believe me I know.

We take so much for granted and forget to appreciate the most important people and things in our life. I’ve learned to say I love you often because I may not get another chance to tell the people I love how much I love them. I’ve learned to be thankful for every day – we may not see another or tomorrow may be very empty because we lose someone we love.

I’ve learned it’s okay to take a down day and just be lazy.

I’ve learned our age is not as much about the years we lived, but how we choose to live each day.  I turned 64 this year but I still enjoy making mudpies with the grandkids or playing in the water hose. We forget how much fun it is to just act like a child and how much joy playing can add to our lives. My grandchildren taught me that.

I am still overwhelmed and awed at the sight of a rainbow and butterflies fill my heart with joy.

I’ve learned it’s okay to have a pity party as long as we don’t host it too long. Sadness can bring back tears and tears can be healing. But life is just too short to stay in a funk forever. There’s too much to live for and too much in life to celebrate.

I know no matter how bad it is, someone has it worse.

I worked my entire life and much of it was in sales and marketing management. When I first retired I missed the hectic lifestyle I’d led for so many years. But I’ve found spending time with the people I love is much more fun and a hundred times more rewarding than crunching numbers and worrying about the bottom line.

No matter what life throws at you, God will pull you through.

When all your dreams are gone and you can’t see any hope, just pause, breathe and wait. God may have even greater things in store. When Ken died I remember telling God I had lived too long. I’ve buried a daughter, a grandson, my parents, two sisters, a brother and my husband just to name a few. Thankfully God didn’t agree. I am now happily married to a most wonderful man and spending precious time with my family and grandchildren. God has restored my life, my hope and my joy.

And somehow I feel the best is yet to come; no I know the best is yet to come. One day Christ will return. He will wipe every tear from our eyes and all things will be restored. We will dwell with Him in the new Heaven and earth for all eternity.

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