In an earlier post I mentioned I had asked several of my closest friends and family members to help me out by revealing what they saw as both my greatest strengths and my weaknesses. I won’t bore you by sharing all of them, but let me suffice to say, they were not at all surprising. The verdict – I know myself better than I thought; I am as real as they come; and the person I see is who I am. It’s also the person others see which is even better. There is nothing phony about me – and truly, what you see is really what you get.
Ken used to say I was the funniest, sexiest, woman he’d had ever met. He also said I was the most honest and open, most loving, most considerate and surprisingly, the smartest woman he’d ever met. But of course, he was biased. In spite of the qualities he saw, I also drove him crazy at times.
I gave up trying to be somebody else a very long time ago. I used to think I could make someone love me more by trying to become the person they wanted me to be. I know now, I was only cheating them and myself because it is too hard to try to be something or someone we’re not and more importantly, we shouldn’t have to be. And the people, who really love us, love us just the way we are. That’s something we would all do well to remember. Besides I really like myself in spite of my flaws, imperfections and failures. Most other people like me too. And I would never dream of or want to be anyone else!
I realize I am much stronger than I think I am at times and that inner strength and God’s grace have seen me through a multitude of ups and downs in my life.
I don’t have to rely on anyone because I can rely on myself and in the end, that’s enough and more than many people have.
There really isn’t much I can’t do and many things I can do better than most. That comes from the work ethic my parents taught me and my type A personality that drives me to give 210%.
I laugh easily and often. I love freely and openly. I give generously of my time, talents and affections. I have never met a stranger.
I am usually pretty easy going but when pushed, I am not a pushover. Those who incite me to anger learn pretty quickly I am a capable match!
I have never stopped growing and learning. I’ve hit some bumps in the road that have thrown me for a curve or two, but am usually able to rebound fairly quickly.
I have stumbled and been knocked down, but I have always gotten back up. I am not a quitter! My daddy taught me that lesson.
Failure is not in my vocabulary!
My children are, have always been and will always be my greatest success story. There is no award I possess; no certificate, bonus or honor that can compare with the reward of seeing the children I have raised and the wonderful human beings they are.
In spite of any tragedy that has come my way, overall I have to say I am most extremely blessed!
My faith is my greatest attribute and the most meaningful. It is also the thing I am most thankful for. Where would I be without faith?
I am special! But then, so are you. In fact, each of God’s wonderful creations is a unique, special someone. There is no one like you. Be good to yourself.